B ed Admission 2021 | Call 9540177026 | Greater Noida

B ed Admission 2021 | Call 9540177026 | Greater Noida
If you interested to take admission in B. Ed. and want to make your four future in teaching profession then call at 9540177026.
B. ed Fees for 2021 – 2022 session:
For 1st year : only 42000
For 2nd year: only 25000
- Fees can be different because it depends on college infrastructure and facilities which they provide. Everything will be fare. There will be no hidden charges.
- We also assist for scholarship so that economically backward students can also complete B.Ed. degree in lowest price.
-> हम स्कॉलरशिप के लिए भी असिस्ट करते हैं ताकि आर्थिक रूप से पिछड़े स्टूडेंट्स भी कम कीमत में बीएड डिग्री पूरी कर सकें।
B.Ed. Greater Noida
Bachelor of Education is a two year full-time degree program having four compulsory papers of 100 marks each and two papers based on teaching subject at the graduation level comprising of 100 marks each, in first year.
Second year includes five theory papers comprising of 100 marks each.
Practical work comprise of 500 marks for two years which include practical files, lesson plans, Teaching practice, Micro & Macro Teaching, Simulation Exercises, Tasks and assignment, Psychological Testing, Understanding of ICT, Working with Community, Practicum in Environmental Education, Teaching Aids Training, Scout & Guide Camp, Field Trips, Case Studies, S.U.P.W etc.
B ed Admission 2021 | Call 9540177026 | Greater Noida

M.Ed. @ Greater Noida:
M.Ed. is a one year full-time program comprising of two semesters.
b.ed admission / b ed Non attending in greater noida / 9540177026 B.ed admission for working Men and Women/ B.ed 2021-2022 in best colleges of Greater Noida like HIMT, Lloyed, Rameesh, Janhit, NIOT, IIMT and many more.

#B.ed. Admission in Greater Noida
#Top College for B ed in Delhi NCR
#B. ed Lowest fees institute noida
B ed Admission 2021 | Call 9540177026 | Greater Noida
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