Which one is Suitable for You/Your Chield-Home Tution VS Group Tuition

Which one is Suitable for You/Your Chield – Home Tution or Group Tuition in Greater Noida/Noida/Ghaziabad/Delhi/NCR/India?
If you are in confusion of this dilemma, then this article is for you.
Advantages of home tuition – There are a lot of features of home tuition that’s why parents and Students also prefer it.

- Time Saving for Guardians/student– Traveling time will be consume for students because teacher will come at your home at that time which is comfort for you. So there will be no wastage of costly time of both(parents and child).
- Surveillance of your child– You children is safe and secure from traffic and other anti social elements. Parents can check any time the method of teacher and duration of time. your child can’t bunk the class, can’t undisciplined,unethical behavior. Out of these, you can communicate with his/her tutor and ask report about your child.
- One to one attention– why tuition required? when your child is doing study in best school of the city? Answer is- Each class have approximately 35/40/50/60/80 students in school and time of one subject lecture is approx 35/40/45/50/60 minute.
- Subject teacher have limited time to give attention on each student of class. this same problem also arise in case of GROUP TUITIONS. So for the weak / less attentive student best option is HOME TUITIONS.
- More attentive behavior– In Home tutoring or one to one tuition student will not be distracted due to his/her insincere/disingenuous class fellow. Other hand Teacher will also able to give more attention on your kid.
- In NSSO Survey of India– 25 % students in India takes personal private home tuition. But in some states like eastern state- West Bengal etc. this percentage grows up to 75%. In Delhi/NCR also, 3 out of 4 students are taking tuition.

Advantages of Group Tuition– Group Tuitions mean more then one students goes to a place where single teacher give him/her lecture.it’s a one to many kind of teaching. Like home tuition, Group Tuitions also have their advantages.
- Less expensive- While you hire home tutor for your kid, you will pay approx 500 to 1000 rupees per hour or 5000 to 10k per month or maybe more. But if you wants to join group tuition the cost would be much less approx 1500 rs. per month per subject for class 12 and 11. and for class 10 ,9 it would be 2k-3k approx for all subjects. For up to 8th – 800 to 1000 per month all subjects. So we can say in less u can get experienced and good teacher.
- Social Interaction– Many students comes in interaction in group tuition so the key benefit of this kind of tuition is social interaction. He/She makes new friends who helps in life in different situations also.
- It promotes healthy Competition among students.
- It promote Group Studies.
- less Boring.